Our Staff

Without our staff, Florial would be nearly nothing. The Staff Team is separated into multiple categories in a structured hierarchy. We strive to have staff that can help provide a family friendly experience.

Meet our Staff!

This is Tulip,

our half cat half fox


Admin Team
The Admin Team is responsible for helping manage the server efficiently.

Dark_223 (Darky)
Prrx (Plane)
3_DV (3dv)
Chrishours (Chris)

Manager Team

They give us content ideas for the server and help with the smaller stuff.

Vise2 (Vise)

Lead Staff


Senior Moderators

Moderators who have been on the team for a long time.

Flouia (Flouito)


Helpers who have been on the team for a while now.

bggvaulted (bgg)


New additions to the staff team

UrFlowerBoiEan (Ean)

Thecta (thecta)

ThingRebelTROLL (Rebel)

2BitBoi (Nick)

Shr00ms_and_Gl00ms (Shrooms)