Server Features

Florial has so many features, well.. It's hard to keep track! Learn more about them here! Scroll down for the full gist of things. :)

The species system. You can select one of five species. Or one of the custom species our users paid to create! To learn more about the base-game species go to the page The Server.

Genetic DNA & Mutation. As you get more and more DNA which can be obtained by just playing, or by selling cake & pie in /sell, your species gains more and more abilities. With enough money & DNA you can genetically mutate with two random species.

Each mutation has custom art and inherits some powers from each parent species. Play around, and see if you can find em' all!

Ranking up; you can obtain ranks via /rankup and each rank gives you rewards and unlocks a new feature of the server!

Once reaching a certain rank in /rankup, you can do /es and gain access to custom enchants which makes the  game more fun!

Factions ~ Conquer others, hide your base, and reign supreme over the server!

Genetic Prestige. Unlock many things when you genetic mutate. Use your prestige to buy a multiple upgrades in /geneticshop or just show it off in chat!

Economy & Genetictop

Gameplay Changes

The main currency of the server is Coins $. To get them, you will sell things in /sell or other players can pay you via /pay. You can use coins to buy things from /shop.

The second currency is Flories. Flories can only be obtained by buying things through our store ~
However, they can also be obtained through events. You can also get some free flories by joining our forums and making a forum post in the Free Flories category.

DNA & EXP levels are used as currency only to buy Custom Enchants in the /es enchant shop.

This is Tulip,

our half cat half fox
